Will Depression Be With Me Forever?

Living with depression is no picnic. It can feel like every day is a bad day with a pool of negative thoughts to keep you awake. As you try to brave through your symptoms, you could be asking, “How long is this depression going to last?”

The truth is that there is no clear answer, as it depends on the person and a number of factors.

You may have depression if symptoms like not enjoying your favorite activities, sleep troubles, or persistent sadness occur for longer than two weeks. Sometimes depression can stay with you for a few weeks, while other times it can persist for months.

No matter how long you have battled depression, know that there is always hope, especially with the right treatment. Here is how long depression can last and what you can do about it.

How Long Does Depression Last?

Major Depressive Disorder is where people experience low moods, loss of interest in favorite activities, lack of energy, or negative self-thoughts. Some may experience this depression once, while others have recurring episodes. These episodes can last between 6 to 18 months or longer. It’s worth noting that early treatment can increase your chances of recovering and coping with episodes.

Persistent Depressive Disorder is when symptoms last for two years or longer. These symptoms, including a lack of energy or motivation, may be less severe overall, but tend to last longer if they go unnoticed. Suffering from persistent depressive disorder for too long can make you think this condition is a part of you.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, on the other hand, is when your moods become low when there is no sun out. Winter months can bring about depressive symptoms, whereas summer months can lift your mood back up. The symptoms of seasonal affective disorder can usually last four to five months.

Depression Can Appear on a Spectrum of Severity

Mild depression can be when your symptoms are less intense or life-interfering. After a short period of time, these symptoms may go away. If this type of depression continues, it can linger on for months or years.

Moderate depression is characterized by trouble focusing, with intense worries and low productivity. Without treatment, moderate depression can last at least six months.

Severe depression is the daily struggles of getting out of bed and suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self harm. These symptoms can last six months or longer.

Depression Treatment

You don’t have to live with depression as it is. Treatment can help you feel better and learn helpful coping skills. There are a number of treatment options, including various forms of therapy and even medication.

Speaking to a therapist about what is bothering you, as well as finding the root causes of your depression is a great place to start in healing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help change your negative thoughts into positive ones. This can be very beneficial if you tend to have a negative mindset about yourself and the world around you.

Self-care habits incorporated into your daily life can help you appreciate life again. This may mean staying away from drugs and alcohol to avoid intensifying low moods. Try getting exercise out in the fresh air to kick those feel-good endorphins into high gear. Getting plenty of sleep will keep your mind and body at ease, too. Try to fit in at least one enjoyable activity a day, like listening to music, reading, completing a crossword puzzle, etc.

Depression therapy can lessen the severity of your symptoms and show you that depression does not have to last forever. Please contact us at Mindworthy Therapy to learn how to cope with depression and enjoy your life again.






Mindworthy Therapy


1933 N. Meacham Rd.
Suite 200
Schaumburg, IL 60173